Apology Demanded

By | September 7, 2006

We reported recently on the Power of Prayer, and how it got one Orthodox Jew booted off a plane in from Montreal to New York. The article we references mentioned how the Flight Attendant recognized the man in question was not a Muslim.
A Canadian doctor from Winnipeg is demanding an official apology and compensation from United Airlines due to being removed from a plane in Denver on August 15. Dr. Ahmed Farooq, who is Muslim, was escorted off a plane after his evening prayers were interpreted by one passenger as suspicious. He claims that even TSA officials admitted to him the flight crew had overreacted. Despite this, he and two companions pulled off with him were forced to spend the night in Denver and fly the next day at their own expense. The full story can be found here.
Now, we are unsure if this is equality or not. Two different individuals of different religious backgrounds praying in two different circumstances are removed from aircraft as suspicious by flight attendants. We hope the airlines will provide more training to its flight crews in dealing with these circumstances on how to deal with passengers engaging in these ‘suspicious’ behaviors.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.