Man held on Weapons Charge

By | September 10, 2006

Mohammed Ghanem, a legal permanant resident of the US and a native of Yemen, was stopped on Thursday, the Detroit Free Press reports, with a knife hidden in a phone book. The inside of the book had been carved out, and the knife was inside. Despite that, his lawyer, who spoke with the Detroit Free Press, insists he doesn’t know where the knife came from. He was on his way to Yemen to get married.

FBI officials are concerned because Ghanem had a one-way ticket to Yemen. He was arraigned in district court on felony charges. If convicted, he could spend up to ten years in prison. His family in the Detroit area has been questioned on the matter. He remains in Wayne County jail.
We however, question why someone would take a phone book on a trip to get married in Yemen. And why someone other than Ghamem would set this up. We hope Mr. Ghanem’s attorney, Nabih Ayad, is a very good lawyer. He’ll need one.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.