Executives Outraged at Depiction of American Airlines

By | September 12, 2006

In our recent post, we reviewed the depiction of American Airlines in the recent ABC docudrama. American executives have responded to this with the following message to anyone who asks about the miniseries. “We are outraged by how American is portrayed in ABC’s program. It is not factual, and very unfortunate.”
The Star-Ledger reported on former President Clinton’s response to this documentary. We think it fits the quality of the performance. Clinton didn’t watch the movie. The Clinton Foundation’s spokesman said, “He made the choice that most Americans made…Of a fictionalized drama version of September 11th or the Manning Brothers playing football against one another, he chose the latter.” Seven million more people watched the football game than the docudrama.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.