Flight Wisdom 2.0

By | October 17, 2006

Today we are proud to announce the first phase of a new Flight Wisdom main website. It is a tremendous improvement over the old website in various ways and uses state-of-the-art content management software to autoindex and arrange our content.

Bookmark it, as we will be adding new material and updates to it over the coming weeks. Features will include:

  • Airport Guides – Advice and Information by Airport
  • Airline Guides – Advice and Information by Airline
  • Fares 101 – Lessons and News on Finding Fares
  • Travel Gear  – Reviews and Advice on Travel Gear
  • Travel Tips – General Tips on Planning Trips including Hotels, Insurance, Etc.
  • Frequent Flyers – Information and Advice on Frequent Flyer programs

We may try out some of the material in advance on our readers here. Otherwise, comments and suggestions on our new design are welcome.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.

One thought on “Flight Wisdom 2.0

  1. Green Baron

    Neat layout. I will definitely lookf or good deals in my next few travels.

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