Jetblue Gets its Alliance Feet Wet

By | December 17, 2006

As the Cranky Flier reports, Jetblue has ‘started dating’. Jetblue previously announced it would seek arrangements with international airlines. What they have so far isn’t exactly what we would expect.

AeroSvit, the National Airline of the Ukraine, offers JFK to Kiev flights and will give you $100 back if you connect to Jetblue. Just submit the receipts.

Eos, the all-business class airline operated JFK to London Stansted, is offering 100 Trueblue points, enough for a free flight, when you buy a ticket on Eos.

Interesting choices for marketing agreements. We look forward to seeing what else they work on.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.