Gore and Aides Circumvent Security at Nashville Airport

By | March 4, 2007

On Wednesday, an American Airlines employee allowed the former vice president and two aides to circumvent security by taking Gore from the airline’s ticketing counter through a door in the baggage claim area where only “badged employees” can enter. The door led to a tunnel and then a ramp that got them to an American Airlines gate beyond security.

A Gore spokesman said the former vice president did not ask for special treatment. While an American Airlines spokesperson could not be reached for comment, an airport authority spokesperson said that the employee responsible was issued a “breach of rules” citation and would have to take security training classes again.

Despite Gore’s status, federal law does not permit anyone to circumvent airport security. Everyone is…according to them, treated the same.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.