Jetblue Promises New Contract of Carriage Soon

By | March 5, 2007

David Neeleman’s flight log reported on Saturday that they are working on producing the revised Contract of Carriage, which will include its revised Customer Bill of Rights. Originally, he intended to have it done by March 2nd, but it has apparently been delayed by weather issues that needed to be addressed first. The new Contract of Carriage will hopefully clarify the as yet undefined term “Controllable Irregularity”(we await a reply to our email). The flight log promises some Q&A to clarify “unusual circumstances.”

Neeleman does review their performance this past week, during a spot of bad weather. He reports that some flights on Monday, February 26th were cancelled, but they did this on Sunday and reached more than 90% of passengers in advance and operations were back on track by 10AM Monday morning.

For five flights that originated in upstate New York, they opted to overfly New York and take passengers whose final destination was Florida directly to their final destinations. For example, as the Burlington Free Press reported, and Neeleman references, Jetblue had enough passengers to justify sending the plane directly to Florida, and it needed to be there to operate another flight anyway. Few airlines create new flights and offer this type of service, but Jetblue, seeking to recover from its PR nightmare, is looking for new ways to operate.

Many Jetblue aircraft flew empty to Florida in order to be in place for return flights to the Northeast, after flights were cancelled.  We hope their trend of going the extra mile stands up after this furor dies down.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.