Spirit Airlines Goes a Step Farther with the $9 Club

By | March 12, 2007

Spirit Airlines, along with its new bag policy, has opted to go a step further with its pay for everything platform. You can join the $9 Fare Club…which gives you…

  1. Guaranteed Exclusive Member-Only Low Fares(at least once every six weeks)
  2. On-site and e-mail access to deals
  3. Automatic enrollment in the “innovative” FREE SPIRIT frequent flyer program.

Their three-month trial membership is $9, and after that it is $29.95 annually. Or you can get a complimentary membership with your FREE SPIRIT mastercard.

“We understand how good it feels to buy an incredibly low fare, so let us give you that feeling again, and again, and again! Fill out the information below, and then pat yourself on the back, because you’ve just joined one of the most valuable travel clubs ever created!”

In other words…Spirit has come up…essentially…the first frequent flyer program you pay to join. It isn’t exactly their frequent flyer program…as the reward program is still free. However….who other than a frequent flyer would want to cough up $30 a year to get discounts? This can’t last.

We checked the terms and conditions to see if there were any surprises. Spirit is allowed to cancel membership at any time for any reason…but that is usually in program notes. The benefits of membership are listed as access to view and book special fares not available to non-members…although it does not guarantee the availability of these fares.

A wise man once said…when you are in a hole…you don’t dig yourself deeper. When they initiated $10 charges for the second bag…I thought it might be a good and reasonable money-saving idea. But before we could get used to that, or even try it…they started charging for beverages(although not water) and the first bag . Now…before that sinks in…assuming it ever does…they inaugurate a…pay to get advance deals on fare club.

Haven’t they ever heard of pacing themselves? What is next? Different charges to check in online or at the counter? Perhaps a priority boarding fee? We will see what they come up with next week?