Coalition of Luggage Security Can’t Keeps its Mouth Shut

By | May 21, 2007

The Coalition for Luggage Security commented the other day on the recent survey that determined customers are generally dissatisfied with their airline service. As they put it… Betsy Talton, a spokeswoman for Delta, said, “We know the service is not where it should be as far as baggage delivery, we’re concentrating on that this year so that we see significant improvements.”…”Significant improvements? Instead of one suitcase lost every minute will they strive for one suit case lost every two minutes,” said Richard A. Altomare, Chairman and Founder of The Coalition for Luggage Security.

They weren’t done…the same day they again raised their concern over the “danger of luggage in airports.” Apparently, late Wednesday night, terminal 2 at LAX International Airport was evacuated when baggage-screening equipment detected two 10-inch WWII-era mortar shells in a traveler’s suitcase. These shells were inert mock novelty shells…and were confiscated. Altomare commented, “This just shows how easily a bomb, hidden in a suitcase, can get into an airport…”

We find that a bit ridiculous. Anyone can walk into most buildings with a bomb if they want to…they might not get far…but how paranoid are we expected to be? No security is absolute.

Finally, they raise the concern of luggage security at the carousel….something reported by the Today Show. As they put it…”A new report reveals that the Airlines would rather pay for claims for stolen luggage from the baggage carousel, than to hire additional personnel who would be responsible for ensuring the names on the luggage match the names on the traveler’s ticket. Dishonest individuals are capitalizing on this by simply walking into an airport baggage claim area and taking bags off the carousels.” People have been doing this for years…it is hardly a new idea.

Altomare’s conclusion is that, “by separating most passengers from their luggage we ran reduce the number of TSA agents required at check in. Maybe then, the most powerful nation on the planet can afford to protect its travelers who expect the TSA to take care of their baggage until it is returned safely to them, not to a criminal at the carousel.”

Does anyone take this man or his organization seriously? Reform is always needed…but the bulk of  passengers do not want to ship their luggage ahead of their trip. Airlines are investing in better tracking technology for their bags…they are being forced to improve their handling as they are forced to improve everything. Passengers won’t stand for certain treatment indefinitely. Even if they will…we doubt the luggage scheme they propose will work.