- Dohop.com has upgraded its flight search engine at www.dohop.com.
- Farecast launched new tools last month including Alerts that help consumers track their trip and save money. Farecast is also no longer considered a beta. As for Alerts, as they put it…”more than 50 percent of price drops disappear within 50 hours, illustrating the need for consumers to stay apprised of fare drops to their chosen destinations.” Try a search at www.farecast.com.
- Fare tracker Yapta has launched a public beta. Yapta uses a broswer addon that lets users bookmark fares they’ve found on major travel sites. Currently, ten airlines and travel sites are supported and more will be added. “If you make a purchase by clicking through to the airline or travel site from Yapta, they’ll continue to monitor the price. If it falls, they’ll ping you and suggest you contact the airline for a refund or flight coupon. All airlines offer these on price drops but few consumers follow up. Yapta will help by reminding you.” Check them out at www.yapta.com.
- Check out SeatCounter.com…which allows you to search for the number of seats in a specific booking class. on any given airline/flight.
- Our affiliate, Kayak.com, has implemented airfare history charting, and customized fare alerts and deal tracking since the last time we spoke of them. They are still our top recommendation for flexible searching. Check them out at Kayak.com