- Image by matt.hintsa via Flickr
JetBlue will be welcoming the inaugural flight from New York to LAX in a few short hours. At 10:45AM Pacific, at Terminal 6, Gate 69B at LAX. LAX is JetBlue’s 56th destination, and will be served twice daily from both New York and Boston.
JetBlue also served Long Beach and Burbank airports, and formerly served Ontario…all in the LA area. Entering LAX itself is a sign JetBlue wants to continue to grow itself, and isn’t afraid to take on the competition. The routes are heavily populated, and popular business routes.
Unlike United and American, the most frequent on these routes, JetBlue has no first or business class, but offers a clean and comfortable environment for business travelers who are cost conscious. In that regard, they present a compelling alternative. They clearly are looking for this with their Welcome Bigwigs campaign.