David Parker Brown of AirlineReporter.com
Our first attempt at a contest has ended. The Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot, not counting our editor, had one entry. Thus, we are proud to announce the winner of the Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot is…David Parker Brown(pictured left), of AirlineReporter.com. Congratulations, and we hope our next contest has twice as many entries, because then we would actually need our guest judge to do some judging. Thanks to our volunteer judges anyway.
At first we watched, with worry about the boy in the balloon. We all hoped he would safely land on the ground soon. Then we all freaked out when we say the balloon had no kid. They told us in the attic he hid. The family started going on TV shows, not one was planned to be skipped. Unfortunately for the dad, Falcon didn’t learn his script. Now we realize how crazy these parents are. The poor ‘ol father will never be a reality TV show star.