Category Archives: News

That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles

The last vestige of the Cookie, Midwest Airlines, is dying. Bad enough that Frontier Airlines, which swallowed Midwest, is slowly eliminating their routes, their hubs in Milwaukee and Kansas City, but now the most unique thing about Midwest…the symbol of care…a cookie baked fresh in the back of the plane, dies May 1st. “The company…

TSA Agent Finds Ecstasy In Man’s Underpants

Blogger Bob Burns of the TSA reports that an unnamed intrepid agent successfully utilized the TSA’s enhanced pat down procedure to discover between 1000 and 2000 Ecstasy pills that had been secreted in the traveler’s underwear. The explosive discovery was made at LAX. No doubt, the discovery of a hidden, illegal, but not dangerous object,…

PEOPLExpress is Back

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="People Express Airlines (1986) (Photo credit: Hunter-Desportes)"][/caption] PEOPLExpress is back…well, the name is, at least. The new PEOPLExpress is a low-cost carrier with a mission statement to serve markets currently underserved by major carriers. Despite the fact it has not even filed with the DOT to become a scheduled airline, they…

God No Longer On Board Alaska Airlines

Having never flown Alaska Airlines, it was news to us that for 30 years, together with their meals, the airline has distributed prayer cards featuring serene color pictures and verses from the Book of Psalms.  Now we’ll never have a chance to get one, as the airline announced that it will stop distributing the cards…

Construction Begins on Overpriced $791 Million 65 Foot High Fort Lauderdale Runway Expansion

The Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is the 22nd busiest in the United States- and it’s about to get busier.  On Monday, a ground-breaking ceremony was heldat the airport, marking the beginning of a $791 million runway expansion project.  A princely sum, indeed, but the project which will lengthen an existing secondary runway from 5,276 to…

Angry Sun Erupts, Sending Planes South

For the second time in a week, the Earth has been hit by a coronal mass ejectionin the most severe solar storm since 2003.  The increased radiation from the charged particles of the storm which can interfere with communications is strongest near the poles where the ozone layer is thinnest.  The additional radiation poses little…

California Man Changes Flight 510 to Flight 420

43 year old Adam Blumenkranz of Los Angeles was arrested at Newark’s Liberty Airport Monday after he was discovered smoking marijuana in airport restroom on JetBlue flight 510 from Fort Lauderdale to Newark.  Blumenkranz, who was somehow unaware that smoking of any kind is prohibited on aircraft, tried to show his medicinal marijuana card to…

What Did US Airways Do With Angeline O’Grady’s Husband?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Image by Getty Images via @daylife"][/caption] Angeline O’Grady wants to know what happened to her husband.  On November 1, she was traveling through Philadelphia International Airport with the ashes of her late husband, Brian.  She was told by TSA agents that she could not bring the ashes through security with her.…

FAA Grounds Migrating Whooping Cranes For One Month In Alabama, Grants Them One Time License To Continue

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by wolfstad via Flickr"][/caption] Nine endangered whooping cranes, migrating from Wisconsin to Florida, recently spent a month grounded in Alabama, after the FAA decided that their “pilot guides” were operating in violation of a regulation which prohibits them from receiving pay for their services.  The pilots, who work for Operation…

Terror At 35,000 Feet- Pre-Recorded Message Tells Frightened Passengers They’re About To Crash- In Error!

At 3am last night on British Airways Flight 206 from Miami to London’s Heathrow Airport, we imagine most passengers were comfortably sleeping.  That changed in a hurry when flight crew inadvertently twice triggered a recorded message declaring that the plane could be about to crash. Passengers began crying and screaming, and were still on edge…

In-Flight Wifi Safe For Airline Profits

When they’re not busy spuriously telling you to turn off your electronics during takeoff and landing, airlines are busy trying to get you to turn them back on- and open your wallet- to buy their pricey in-flight wifi.  Apparently, wifi is safe [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] enough in flight if the airlines…

Did US Airways Lose Someone’s Brother?

A woman is seeking answers after she claims US Airways lost track of her special needs brother, who was physically and mentally disabled. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Caleb's Photography via Flickr"][/caption] He missed his connecting flight in Charlotte, and when she called, they would not give out any information. Now, this is actually…

Man Who Subdued Underwear Bomber Wants Millions

We just can’t believe this… [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] A New York man has named Delta Air Lines and Air France-KLM in a suit that also names Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Underwear Bomber, as a co-defendant. The man, Theophilius Maranga of Wappinger Falls, is asking for ten million dollars in damages for…

They Rent By the Hour – Rooms for Rent at the Airport

The New York Times reported today on Minute Suites, a company which began providing small rooms for rent at Philadelphia International Airport in March, and has bee [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] n serving Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson Airport since 2009. The company has already served 18,000 customers, 24 percent of them repeat business. The…