Category Archives: Opinion

Is Letting Bag-Free Passengers Board First a Good Idea?

[caption id="attachment_1704" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Leather seats with Headrests"][/caption] Virgin America is testing the idea of letting passengers who are traveling without carry-on luggage board the plane first. Now, we aren’t sure of the exact details. We assume personal items wouldn’t count, and this would be limited to actual luggage. Few people travel with only the…

The Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot

Image via Wikipedia Yesterday, feeling a bit whimsical, our editor wrote a somewhat silly poem based on the balloon boy saga. Pushed by our roving correspondent, Dr. Lane(now on Twitter at @infrequentflier), we have posted the complete poem, which we categorize as influenced by Longfellow, Chaucer, and Dr. Seuss. And thus we announce the Balloon…

Ryanair’s CEO is a Hoot

Image by Drewski2112 via Flickr We wanted to link in this video, but unfortunately, we couldn’t figure out how to, so here is a link. BBC Panorama was doing a documentary on Ryanair. There was nothing new or exciting about the documentary, from what we hear. But they did corner Michael O’Leary, who despite his…

Green Means What?

Image by mag3737 via Flickr ANA(All Nippon Airways) has started asking passengers to go the bathroom before they fly, claiming lighter bowels and bladders mean light passengers and thus a lighter plane, which means less fuel. Now, we always go to the bathroom before boarding for other reasons than green concerns. For one, asking people…

Podcast Episode 1: Interview with the Cranky Concierge

Earlier today, the Cranky Flier announced he was starting a new business, The Cranky Concierge, a personal travel assistance company. We saw it as a good opportunity to break out the podcasting equipment and interview Brett Snyder, the Cranky Flier. Our Editor, the Flight Wisdom Guru reports:

Rant: How Can Airlines Handle Conflicts

Yesterday, we were reading Chris Elliott’s Travel Troubleshooter blog. He posted excerpts from letters sent and received by a regular flier and US Airways. And we started contemplating the issue of how airlines might handle things when the airline and the passenger cannot see eye to eye.

September 11th, 2001

Saying something about 9/11 is almost obligatory, especially for a commercial aviation blogger. The scope of the tragedy was nearly unimaginable at the time…that such a thing could happen. Our hearts continue to go out to those who lost loved ones that day and we will never forget the sacrifice of those who rushed to assist. The two biggest security developments that came in a post-9/11 world were…

Senate Approves Fee to Visit United States

We reported on this last week. But the “Travel Promotion Act” was approved by the Senate yesterday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(NV) praised the job-creation of increased tourism to the U.S., calling it a “win-win-win.”

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War at the Ticket Counter

Anil Polat, who runs foXnoMad, which is a travel blog for “people who love the journey as much as they enjoy the destination. foXnoMad is a resting point to gather information on the best ways and gadgets vagabonds can use to stay in touch, save money, and make the most out of any vacation,” has…

Musical Interlude: United Song #2 Dave Carroll is back with his promised second United Song, included the promised tuba. It is a much slower tempo than United Song #1, but the video goes a bit farther, and incorporates many more volunteers. The song incorporates some of the same amusing elements. In lieu of three guys in sombreros, this time…

Monopolizing the Fortress Hub

Image by mtsofan via Flickr So, now Continental has gotten AirTran out of Newark in exchange for slots at LaGuardia and National, where they are hardly a powerhouse. Delta is taking over US Airways extensive regional slots at LaGuardia, and US Airways is getting international route permissions and greater dominance at Washington National. It allows…

Delta Protects the Northwest Brand While Eliminating It Northwest Airlines insists it has exclusive trademark rights to the word Northwest. The airline is going after, which provides tourist information on the Pacific Northwest. Originally, they insisted owner Jack High shut down, then they moderated their response to merely giving up trademark rights and not expanding. High registered his trademark, which looks…