What Did US Airways Do With Angeline O’Grady’s Husband?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Image by Getty Images via @daylife"][/caption] Angeline O’Grady wants to know what happened to her husband.  On November 1, she was traveling through Philadelphia International Airport with the ashes of her late husband, Brian.  She was told by TSA agents that she could not bring the ashes through security with her.…

TSA Very Proud Of “Checpoints”

The @TSABlogTeam just tweeted a picture of “9 of the 24 loaded firearms found in carry-on bags at TSA checpoints[sic] last week”. We have 3 questions that we hope they will answer for us, but we presume they won’t. 1) Is there any evidence that any of these 24 guns were connected to a planned…

Are Unions Really What’s Wrong With U.S. Airlines? Brad Hall Thinks So(He’s Very Wrong)

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Image by Getty Images via @daylife"][/caption] Brad Hall “designs systems for improving workforce performance”. Brad Hall has a PhD industrial-organizational psychology.  Brad Hall knows that U.S airlines have awful customer service. And Brad Hall knows why- unions. It is a foregone conclusion for Dr. Hall; one he is unwilling to let…

FAA Grounds Migrating Whooping Cranes For One Month In Alabama, Grants Them One Time License To Continue

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by wolfstad via Flickr"][/caption] Nine endangered whooping cranes, migrating from Wisconsin to Florida, recently spent a month grounded in Alabama, after the FAA decided that their “pilot guides” were operating in violation of a regulation which prohibits them from receiving pay for their services.  The pilots, who work for Operation…

Is A Turboprop In Your Flying Future?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by matt.hintsa via Flickr"][/caption] Out with the new, in with the old.  After years of seemingly inevitable decline in the face of competition from jets, turboprops are making a comeback as oil prices remain high. ATR, a turboprop manufacturer partly owned by Airbus parent EADS, received firm orders for 157…

Terror At 35,000 Feet- Pre-Recorded Message Tells Frightened Passengers They’re About To Crash- In Error!

At 3am last night on British Airways Flight 206 from Miami to London’s Heathrow Airport, we imagine most passengers were comfortably sleeping.  That changed in a hurry when flight crew inadvertently twice triggered a recorded message declaring that the plane could be about to crash. Passengers began crying and screaming, and were still on edge…

TSA To Begin Having Agents Wear Devices To Measure Cumulative Radiation Exposure From ‘Safe’ Scanners

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Image by Martin Deutsch via Flickr"][/caption] There’s no health risk from the invasive scanners that the TSA has installed at airports around the country, the TSA has maintained.  If you don’t like it, you can be searched in an inappropriately intimate way, or not allowed to fly.  Now, the agency plans…

German Couple Discovers First Class Isn’t One Big Party, Force Plane To Land And Disgorge Them

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by oenvoyage via Flickr"][/caption] Peter and Gabriele Strohmaier of Dusseldorf, Germany were traveling in first class on Delta Flight 414 from Atlanta to Costa Rica this evening.  Early in the flight, they demanded food and champagne and refused to sit down, disregarding instructions from the flight attendants.  As a result…

TSA Takes Your Cupcake, Keeps The Change

The TSA, recently best known as the government agency that thinks cupcakes are liquid(the strangest government food classification since the school lunch program declared ketchup a vegetable), has kept a lot more than just one cupcake.  Last year, the agency kept $409,085.56 in change left behind at checkpoints by passengers. Under current regulations, the agency…

TSA Cares Toll Free Helpline for Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Needs

We’ve often been critical of TSA policies, but feel it’s important as well to recognize when they take positive steps.  One such step is the launch last month of TSA Cares.  Passengers with disabilities or medical needs may now call TSA Cares, toll free, at 1-855-787-2227 M-F 9am-9pm,excluding Federal Holidays ,with questions about screening procedures. …

Scoring the Perfect Seat on Your Next Flight

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Jack Zalium via Flickr"][/caption] Everyone seems to want the perfect seat on a plane. Assigned seating is very important to travellers. But airlines have never guaranteed seating. At times it seems we are lucky if they successfully transport us from point A to point B. A few years ago,…

Terror Cupcake Resurfaces with a New Name

Rebecca Hains has shot back at the TSA’s characterization of her cupcake. The TSA finally decided to finally comment on the situation, which they are calling [caption id="" align="alignright" width="153" caption="Image by openfly via Flickr"][/caption] Cupcakegate. Not even addressing the stupidity of calling any mildly scandalous issue blank-gate, Blogger Bob refers to it as a…

The Little Twin Engine That Can’t

Strong headwinds have led to sharp increase in the number of transatlantic Continental Airlines flights forced to make unscheduled stops to refuel, the Wall Street Journal reports.  The airline, owned by United Continental Holdings, has pushed the envelope by aggressively using the Boeing 757 on transatlantic flights. The plane is smaller and cheaper to operate…

What is the TSA For, Exactly?

We usually agree with Bruce Schneier. The man coined the term security theater and he takes an approach to the TSA that mirrors ours. Writing in response to the TSA Blog’s Top Ten Catches of 2011, he pointed out that there is not a single terrorist on the list…or in fact anyone with actual malicious…