JetBlue Apologizes Just yesterday, we commented briefly on JetBlue’s response to their 2007 Valentine’s Day meltdown. Today, JetBlue’s Chief Operating Officer took to the Youtubes to issue a public apology. As we said yesterday, everyone failed in this, not just the airlines. Blame should be apportioned evenly and fairly. JetBlue and American Airlines face millions in…

Remembering Pan Am

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Image by Telstar Logistics via Flickr"][/caption] On Sunday, September 26th, a new show begins, Pan Am, which will use the legendary airline as it was in the 60s as a backdrop. Pan Am, or Pan American World Airways, ceased to exist as an airline on December 4, 1991. The spirit of…

Do you want an Airline Experience without Humans?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] It is a sad fact of life that more and more human interaction is being replaced by computers. Or perhaps it isn’t in some cases, where we’d rather not talk to a human being. But Paris’ Orly Airport is experimenting with a virtual boarding agent. They recorded several…

The Case Against Codesharing

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] Last week, the Cranky Flier, in an article on CNN entitled “This isn’t the Airline I signed up for”,  covered the issues of codesharing. Namely… People often don’t realize what airline they are actually flying on… We put that in bold letters, because it is a big issue.…

Man Flies with Invalid Boarding Pass – We Question

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] We’ve been thinking about the issues with the airport check-in and security process for  a long time. We approved of the government insisting that higher standards be applied to security screening, although we remain unsure if it was necessary for this to be done by government workers. Up…

Why we Like JetBlue Airways

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] awarded its 2011 “Best Coach Class Experience” to JetBlue Airways. We may be biased, as JetBlue is big in our part of the country, the Northeastern United States. There are many advantages to JetBlue travel that we wish other airlines would adopt. For example, JetBlue operates A320s…

JetBlue Offers 20% Off for Fall Travel – Today Only

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] JetBlue announced a 20% off sale on many routes for travel from September 7th through October 29th, 2011. Travel must be purchased today. For Boston – Use the promo code FALLBOS11 For Los Angeles – Use the promo code FALLLA11 For Long Beach – Use the promo code…

DOT Institutes More New Rules

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="120" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] The US Department of Transportation announced today that they were implementing new policies designed to protect airline passengers. The rules will take effect this summer and include: Tarmac Contingency rules are now extended to foreign carriers operating at U.S. airports. They must adopt and adhere to contingency plans…

FAA Adds Controllers after Napping Incidents

The FAA announced it intends to add more air traffic controllers to the midnight shift at 27 airports that are currently staffed by a lone controller. This follows the suspension of controllers at Washington National, Reno, Lubbock, and Seattle for falling asleep on the job. The situation prompted Henry Krakowski, who oversaw the ATC system, to resign over the situation.

Boeing Rolling Out the New 747

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] While the 787 Dreamliner is still experiencing serious delays, the latest iteration of the Boeing 747, the 747-8, is set to roll out today. The 747-8 Intercontinental boasts new wings, a new tail, a sharper nose, state of the art engines, and a new cockpit. The Boeing 747…

Airplane Geek or Airline Dork?

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while. It was inspired by Dan Webb, a junior at Bryant University and a well-known airline dork and budding airplane geek. Or perhaps I should capitalize Airplane Geek, as Dan is a co-host of the popular podcast, Airplane Geeks, where he often refers to himself as an Airline Dork.

Are the Travel dotComs on their way out?

It was over ten years ago that online ticket purchases were in their infancy. We remember ordering tickets from these new online travel agents and having the tickets mailed to us, even a few years into the e-ticket revolution, when it was still advised that paper was safer. Now, it is starting to look as if the age of online travel agents may come to an end. Maybe that is overly pessimistic, but airlines are looking to cut out the high cost associated with selling tickets through a Global Distribution System(GDS).

Service in a Time of Disruption

In the face of the recent storm in the Northeast, many travelers are claiming that the airline’s customer service outlets failed. The trouble with customer service is that most businesses, not just airlines, see it as a money-losing proposition. They do not see it as an investment in customer loyalty and brand reputation.