JetBlue to Expand in Boston

Image via Wikipedia JetBlue Airways announced a major expansion in Boston’s Logan Airport. The full schedule of expansion has yet to be announced, but the following highlights are available and will be available for purchase on November 4th. Two Additional Flights to Chicago-O’Hare(Total 3) Two Additional Flights to Raleigh-Durham(Total 3) One Additional Flight to BWI(Total…

US Airways Cuts off Some Limbs

Image via Wikipedia US Airways announced it would lay off 1000 people, approximately 3 percent of its workforce, and focus on four cities and the shuttle service. Here are the details: Reducing Las Vegas from 64 to 36 daily departures – No one is really surprised by this. Las Vegas was a big hub for…

What Happened on Northwest Flight 188?

The Twin Cities Pioneer Press reports that the two pilots who overflew Minneapolis last week have advised the NTSB that the reason they lost track of time they were “discussing the new monthly crew flight scheduling system.” The system was put in place as part of Northwest’s merger with Delta Air Lines. They both admitted accessing their personal laptops while they discussed this, something which is in violation of company policy.

How Do Two Pilots Overshoot an Airport?

Pilots of a flight from San Diego to Minneapolis ignored radio calls and flew over 150 miles past the airport. The military was even prepared to intercept. All in all, the pilots of Northwest Flight 188 were nonresponsive for 78 minutes, covering a distance of over 600 miles. With all the attempts to contact them, flashing lights in the cockpit, etc, it is a mystery why this was.

The End of the Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="100" caption="David Parker Brown of"][/caption] Our first attempt at a contest has ended. The Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot, not counting our editor, had one entry. Thus, we are proud to announce the winner of the Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot is…David Parker Brown(pictured left), of Congratulations, and we hope our next…

Southwest to Add New Saturday-Only LaGuardia Service – But For How Long?

Southwest announced today it would add Saturday only service from New York-LaGuardia Airport to Denver International Airport. The rest of the week the service will be offered on a one-stop basis. Saturday-only service is the only option as Southwest is not securing any additional slots at LaGuardia, but Saturday service is not slot or perimeter…

Is Letting Bag-Free Passengers Board First a Good Idea?

[caption id="attachment_1704" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Leather seats with Headrests"][/caption] Virgin America is testing the idea of letting passengers who are traveling without carry-on luggage board the plane first. Now, we aren’t sure of the exact details. We assume personal items wouldn’t count, and this would be limited to actual luggage. Few people travel with only the…

The Balloon Boy Ballad Ballot

Image via Wikipedia Yesterday, feeling a bit whimsical, our editor wrote a somewhat silly poem based on the balloon boy saga. Pushed by our roving correspondent, Dr. Lane(now on Twitter at @infrequentflier), we have posted the complete poem, which we categorize as influenced by Longfellow, Chaucer, and Dr. Seuss. And thus we announce the Balloon…

Balloon Boy Found – Saga Ends

The Denver Post and ABC News report that the Larimee County Sheriff says the balloon boy, Falcon Heene, was not a balloon boy at all. He was “hiding in a box…a cardboard box in an attic above the garage.”