Flight Music: United Breaks Guitar

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo We love any excuse for a musical interlude, or a classic Youtube video. In this latest one, musician Dave Carroll comes up with a creative way to protest United’s refusal to take responsibility for the guitar they broke. Carroll spent nine months trying to get United to do so. They admitted they had broken…

Southwest 48-Hour Sale

We’re going to try to start posting some notice of fare sales when they become available and see how that goes. We’ll be limiting it to large sales of note. Southwest is offering a massive seat sale, where all routes are on sale for $30/$60/$90(depending on distance), with the following caveats: Purchase by July 8,…

Independence Roundup

Image via Wikipedia We’re slowly inching toward our goal of reaching 1000 posts. We hope you’ve been enjoying our increased efforts. Air Canada yesterday inaugurated service from Montreal to Fort-de-France, Martinique. The service will be offered on Saturdays until August 29th, and then will recommence on a year-round basis on December 5th. Alaska Airlines inaugurated…

Onboard Southwest

In the final installment of our series on our time on Southwest, we explore the process onboard. Southwest is known for its friendly and enthusiastic in-flight crew. The flight crew was very cooperative with our obsessive picture taking. The flight itself was uneventful. We had a free seat next to us, which allowed us to…

Happy American Independence Day

Image by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton via Flickr This weekend, Americans take to the skies, cars, buses, etc to join in celebrating July 4th. In fact, as any holiday requires a three-day weekend, today is Independence Day(Observed). People have already taken to the skies to visit their families. For those of you concerned with flying…

Yemenia to Stop Marseille Flight

[caption id="attachment_1224" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Yemenia Airbus A310, a day before its crash."][/caption] In the face of protests, Yemenia will be canceling its flights from Marseille to Sana’a indefinitely after a second day of protests by Comorans at Marseille Airport. The Yemenia flight that went down originated in Marseille on an Airbus 330. Passengers changed in…

Accidents, Airbus, and Aviation Safety

Image via Wikipedia In a recent conversation we heard of, a woman talking to an airline representative in regards to a delayed flight due to a mechanical problem with an Airbus aircraft told the airline they should buy Boeing. We found that rather amusing. Boeing and Airbus are both companies that produce good products. No…

How Could This Happen – Yemenia Crash

[caption id="attachment_1224" align="alignleft" width="372" caption="Yemenia Airbus A310, a day before its crash."][/caption] The Yemenia flight is the fifth passenger airline accident this year. In addition to the Air France crash, there was the Colgan Air crash in Buffalo, an accident in Brazil, and another in the Netherlands. The Yemenia plane(the picture is of the exact…

Lose the Blues in Chicago

Image by Getty Images via Daylife For those of you who haven’t heard, our Twitter account, @FlightWisdom won a trip on the inaugural flight out of New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Chicago’s Midway Airport. Southwest was even shocked they drew our name…to quote their tweet… “wow, can’t believe I just drew @flightwisdom you have 2…

Fasten Your Seatbelts…Redux

Image by ficusrock via Flickr We’ve discussed this before, but a recent article in Gadling prompted us to revisit the issue of the Fasten Seatbelt sign. Flight Attendants are not required to force passengers into seats when . They are required to make them aware of this. Passengers should be up to go to the…

Ryanair To Eliminate Checked Bags

Image via Wikipedia Ryanair is running out of things to eliminate. Now they want to eliminate checked baggage. ‘The Airline Blog’ actually felt this was a good thing, We tend to disagree. Ryanair has already eliminated ticket counters, and charges an insane amount if you can’t check in online, and a charge if you do.…

787 – 7-Late-7?

Image via Wikipedia Boeing will be delaying the first flight of the 787 Dreamliner due to stress where the wings attach to the side of the plane. Executives said that the fixes to the 787 would require only a few small parts to reinforce areas of one to two square inches that displayed excess stress…

From the Creators of Flight Wisdom…Transit Wisdom

Image by SP8254 via Flickr Today, we are happy to announce we have spun off our limited reporting on issues involving Amtrak, buses, light rail, and all things transit-y to a new blog, Transit Wisdom. Unfortunately, our first story on the new blog was the latest thoughts on the DC Metro crash of yesterday. We…

Southwest Runs out of Flight Numbers

Image via Wikipedia Southwest Airlines unveiled its schedule out until January of next year today. Southwest has, with the help of new scheduling software, been optimizing its flight schedule for increased efficiency. It was this gain that allowed them to open up several cities without any actual growth. On a typical, non-Holiday Sunday this November…

Alaska to Pick Up the Nerd Bird

Image via Wikipedia Alaska Airlines announced today the inauguration of service between San Jose, California and Austin, Texas effective September 2nd. They will also be starting Austin to Seattle service on August 3rd. The flight will originate in Portland, replacing a Horizon flight from Portland to San Jose, and continue to/from Austin, using a 737-800.…

Rocking the Full Flight

Image via Wikipedia Recently, a conversation(if the word is accurate), on Twitter sparked us thinking about the issues related to full flights. Airlines want the flights to be full. More passengers means more revenue. Conversely, we as passengers want the extra room a less than full flight brings. So, how can you enjoy yourself and…