Airports Trying to Boost Reputation

As USAToday reports as part of its Airport: Special Report, under a three year old program…Daytona Beach spends between three hundred and four hundred dollars a month for envelopes and postage to mail items confiscated by the TSA back to their owners. Other programs involve complementary clear plastic bags. Dallas-Fort Worth Airport recently launched monthly…

Airport: Special Report

We follow USAToday regularly, as they tend to cover airline issues daily. Today, for example, they had an Airport: Special Report we recommend you have a look it. We’ve linked to the various articles of interest below on the airport experience. In U.S. Airports by the Numbers, Dan Reed reports on intriguing airport numbers…For example,…

Reponses to New Liquid Rules

In a press release earlier today, Walmart announced that starting tomorrow, they will provide quart-sized Ziploc storage bags to passengers throughout the week at USAirways check-in counters in New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Charlotte. We tend to admire companies who find simple and nice ways to help the public…

Frugal Travel Tips

We got these tips for travelling for less from SeekingAlpha and thought them worthy of comment. Eat the local food – Now this applies more to international travel..but for domestic travellers wishing to save money…try getting a hotel room with a kitchen, or at least a microwave and a fridge. You can buy food at…

The Right to Bear Arms Never Covered This

On several occasions in the past, we’ve referenced Schneier on Security, Bruce Schneier’s blog. In a recent post, Schneier referred to an interesting social engineering hack to ensure extra care is given to your expensive electronic equipment. One person puts a starter pistol into all of his expensive camera cases. A starter pistol is defined…

Be Our Guest

We are always looking for new blogs to link to for new perspectives and thoughts on travel. We recently discovered Churn, which periodically posts interesting airline industry news. We noticed this post from last week. Apparently, Etihad Airways, does not refer to passengers…they refer to the travelling public as guests. We like that concept. It…

Registered Traveller Fee

We reported in a post last month, on a Registered Travel Program. USAToday reported yesterday that the TSA has reversed its plan to charge $100 a year per passenger to use the Registered security lines. Their portion will now be only $30. Travellers would have to pay $80 or more to the companies that enroll…

Competition for China Route

American, Continental, Northwest, and United Airlines submitted briefs today to the U.S. Department of Transportation as part of their bid for the one China route to be awarded this year. The DOT, charged with choosing the best route to serve the public interest, has to decide which of the four cities: Dallas-Fort Worth, Newark, Detroit,…

Airports Try to Make a Profit Through Non-Aviation Sources

USAToday reported on Houston Intercontinental Airport’s effort to increase non-aviation revenue by cutting and bailing grass on airport land and selling it as hay to cattle ranchers. Sales generated $30,000 and the airport will be sowing 2,000 acres of a more popular grass later this year. Airports across the US are investing this way. With…

Blame the Airline – Why Don’t You?

The Daily Telegraph reports that last weekend, supermodel Naomi Campbell, already infamous for her temper tantrums around the world, was heard to say, “I am never flying Qantas again,” after her arrival in Sydney. There is no evidence that the airline mistreated her or did anything improper. In fact, from Miss Campbell’s track record, we’d…

Security Restrictions Eased

On Friday, the United Kingdom relaxed their restrictive baggage rules that limited the size of carry-on luggage. The new policy brings them back in line with the standard policy, a standard-sized roller bag. The dimensions as per the BAA Hearthrow website are 56cm by 45cm by 25cm(9.85 by 17.85 by 22 inches). Musical instruments may…


A travel company to have a look at is cFares, which offers some services that are rather unique to the online travel market. We found a review of it on GigaOM. We have in the past commented about our issues with online travel agents because we believe that there is a lack of good customer…

Scare at BWI

TSA Screeners at Baltimore-Washington International Airport discovered a gun in a carry-on bag Friday morning. While officials held onto the carryon, the owner continued through the checkpoint and disappeared. He could not be located. Concourses A and B were closed for ninety minutes and all passengers were required to be rescreened. It makes us feel…

The Replacement for the 737

Reuters reported the other day that aircraft manufacturer Boeing is weighing options for replacing the best-selling 737. Seating on the 737 is anywhere from 110 to 220 seats and is the most popular commercial plane ever. More than 5000 have been produced in the last forty years. Boeing is studying how to meet expectations for…

No Victory for Northwest Unions

Last Friday, the Association of Flight Attendants(AFA) appealed the decision that blocked their threatened strike. The Judge said that the union had not exhausted all options for coming to an agreement with the airline. Reuters reported today that the AFA has asked to be released from formal mediation. If the National Mediation Board ceases to…

Fuel Surcharge

Aviation Daily reports that after a ninth-month review, the US Department of Transportation decided not to make any changes in airfare advertising rules. The current rules require airlines to list the full fare in advertisements, with several defined exceptions, allowing government taxes and fees to be broken out and put into the fine print. The…

Carry it on or Check it in – Still a Problem

The British Department for Transport, Reuters says, still hopes to announce changes to their stricter rules on carry-on luggage this week. However, other sources indicate that this is not likely as they are likely to do anything until later in the month. On September 27th, aviation experts are set to review European Union proposals for…


In a recent podcast, Jeff Hoyt put it best when he asked why it is marketing departments spend all their money to reach customers and call centers spend all their money avoiding customers. We have probably all heard Mr. Hoyt numerous times in his capacity as a voiceover artist, and he admitting to doing voice…

Air India Flight returns to Toronto

The Associated Press reports an Air India flight from Toronto back to India via Birmingham, England returned to Toronto an hour into its flight after a passenger found a suspicious package was found in one of the lavatories. Packages on Air India flights are of particular concern. A bomb exploded on an Air India flight…

Everyone is Trying to Look Younger

Ben Murtzabaugh at Today in the Sky reported earlier today that a passenger named Mark Coshever was able to board a London to Amsterdam flight using his two-year old daughter’s passport for ID. Despite going through two passport checks at Luton Airport in London, he boarded Easyjet and was in Amsterdam before he noticed the…

Not Everyone Thrilled with the USAirways Merger

As the Arizona Republic reports, not everyone is pleased with the new USAirways. Sure, it means that passengers in America West Cities have greater services to the Eastern U.S., which is where USAirways is strong, as well as international service to Europe. And passengers in USAirways cities now have better access to the west. However,…

Using Your Laptop at the Airport

In a post last week, the Upgrade Travel Blog, a guide to living the first class life at coach prices, posted on two useful directories. First is, which has compiled this directory of wireless airport hotspots and their pricing. The second is the Air Power Wiki, dedicated to helping people find power outlets at…

Delays or Misconnects

On Saturday, the Cranky Flier posted some advice on delays, misconnections, and cancellations. We thought we would add our two cents on the subject. Delays are not anything you can do anything about. Most of the time it is weather causing delay of the inbound aircraft or weather causing a ground delay out to your…

Airtran and Delta to Terminate Contract

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Delta will terminate its interline agreement with Airtran. The two airlines, who both maintain a hub at Atlanta, have had an agreement since 2001. Interline agreements usually cover the transfer of baggage in between carriers, as well as allowing each carrier to ticket flights on the other. Less commonly noticed…

Travel Insurance

The US Travel Insurance Association issued a press release reporting the results of a new consumer survey. This survey reveals that people who buy travel insurance tend to be more well-educated, travel more frequently and have higher household incomes than those who don’t. Travellers going overseas are three times more likely to buy insurance than…