‘Drone’ hits BA plane: Police investigate Heathrow incident – BBC News
A police investigation is under way after a passenger plane approaching London’s Heathrow Airport was hit by what is believed to have been a drone.
Flight Canceled? How This App Can Book You a New One in Seconds.
‘Our aspiration is to be a check-the-box everywhere airline tickets are sold’ says its founder.
Airport lines are too long but TSA cites speedup in baggage screening
Long lines are plaguing airline passengers this spring, but one aspect of the Transportation Security Administration’s airport operation is showing improvement: checked baggage screening is quicker and more efficient.
Sea-Tac Airport plans new baggage system
The highlight for passengers will be the ability to check their bags at any counter in the airport.
FedEx worker falls asleep on plane and wakes up mid-flight
The unidentified FedEx employee was transported from the tarmac in Tennessee to Lubbock in the Lone Star State after falling asleep.
American Airlines CEO assails Delta on air traffic control plan
Why You Should Want To Live Right Next To An Airport
Throughout Asia, many cities are redeveloping their airport areas into vital centers for trade and commerce, while in the West airports are often viewed as noisy and polluting nuisances to be avoided. But as air travel becomes more central to the needs of individuals and businesses to stay competitive in the 21st century, is the West’s attitude towards airports due for a change?
Help! My 12-year-old is stranded in Delta’s “SkyZone”
The idea of an unaccompanied minor program is…simply…that the airline takes responsibility for your child. If an airline fails to do that, they should, like many airlines, not provide such a service and refuse unaccompanied children. You have to get it right when you are caring for children.
Simulated crash of plane with 114 on board part of airport preparedness drill
A drill Saturday at the New Castle County Airport will test how well prepared crews are to deal with a major aircraft accident there.
National Weather Service will stop using all caps in its forecasts
The Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System), are allowing for the change to mixed-case letters. The switch will happen on May 11, after the required 30-day notification period to give customers adequate time to prepare for the change.
Surviving crew of doomed United Flight 232 reunites for play
Delta Air Lines Just Abolished One of the Most Hated Fees
A surprise announcement, made amid flush earnings.
Fliers beware: new airfare rule could lead to costly mistake
Flight from hell leaves passengers bloodied
JetBlue passenger yells: “I’m 28, I make $4 million a year. What do you do?”
‘Don’t give me this bulls–t!’: Mom goes nuts after flight is delayed
Airlines fear TSA staffing woes will mean a long, weary summer
It happened in just five minutes on a chilly, rainy Thursday morning at O’Hare International Airport — from 5:30 a.m. to 5:35 a.m., the security line at the American Airlines terminal jumped from four lanes of travelers to 10.
TSA Paid Hefty Fee for iPad App to Get You Through Security
But just how much is unclear.
Monkey gives airport security the runaround for TWELVE HOURS
Hilarious footage shows the moment a monkey gave airport security officials the runaround in India, managing to avoid being captured for almost 12 hours.
Senate declines to delve into airline legroom
Proposal would have kept airlines from further reducing the size of their seats.
Liberal Host Cenk Uygur Livestreams Himself Getting Kicked Off American Airlines Flight
Former MSNBC and Current TV host and founder of pioneering web news show The Young Turks Cenk Uygur had a bad Friday night/Saturday morning, and he shared it…
A United Airlines flight attendant mysteriously broke a huge rule and cost the airline a ton of money
A United Airlines flight attendant intentionally deployed the emergency slide on a Boeing 737…