Tag Archives: Airport security
And it isn’t Theater? Security defeated by Eleven Year Old
At Sacramenento Checkpoint, Man Bolts, Gets Jolt Of Volts
It was a shocking experience for 26 year old Edwin Barton at a TSA checkpoint in Sacramento last week. After disembarking his flight from Connecticut and leaving the secure area, Barton realized he had left a bus ticket on the plane. He was given a pass to enter back into the secure area but became…
Man Flies with Invalid Boarding Pass – We Question
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] We’ve been thinking about the issues with the airport check-in and security process for a long time. We approved of the government insisting that higher standards be applied to security screening, although we remain unsure if it was necessary for this to be done by government workers. Up…
Don’t Touch My Junk
TSA Likely to Relax Liquid Ban Next Year
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] Kip Hawley, head of the Transportation Security Administration, said in an interview last week that in a year, the organization and its foreign counterparts would be in a position to relax the restrictions on liquids. The X-ray machines capable of detecting liquids used in bomb making are already…